MARS in the 1st House

This  aspect gives a dominative character to person and spiritual and physical courage; liveliness and maximal use of life power. This person is energetic, extroverted, quarrelsome, passionate, hardworking, competitive and has a tough appearance. If Mars is in ahrmful aspect then, it’s a signal for cowardice and this person may attack the weaker ones. Generally, it shows disagreements and conflicts. If  Mars s near the Ascending house line;  it denotes an emotional event or love.

If Mars is exposed to hard effects ; this person is always watches for physical struggles, behaves rude and emotional. If Mars is in an EARTH sign this person becomes selfish, greedy,  devoted to opposite sex; if it’s in an AIR sign the person has an enduring, furious, quarrelsome but disciplined   nature and likes changes and journeys.

MARS in the 2nd House

If  Mars in this house is placed also in one of its natural signs and  has s good aspect ; it makes a very lucky effect. If Jupiter has a fine effect with the 2nd house , this person can make a very successful marriage. Even if this marriage isn’t satisfying emotionally, it’s beneficial for wealth and money. It also gives features like neatness,  wasting the newly earned things quickly, being generous when they want to donate and the opposite when they are forced to donate.

If Mars in this house has   harmful aspects with Uranus and Saturn this may cause plenty of problems and  end up with unavoidable money loss.

In case of  receiving hard effects;  a foulmouthed character that is extremely devoted to money who tries illegal ways in order to have it.

MARS in the 3rd House :

This aspect of Mars points out fights, conflicts and disharmony between brothers or sisters. This gives an egoist character who also gets angry quickly and has the desire of gaining the control over and having power. Because this person may have the same attitude at homethis prevents  the peace at home. This aspect is also not  favourable for travels. It’s possible that this person have a good education and become a first class arguer or a politician. They are also interested in science, likes researching and exploring who can become writers with courage to write bravely. Also they have a sharp intelligence , criticising ability, insolence and they are ready for appropriate or inappropriate argues all the time.


MARS in the 4th House:

This aspect of Mars isn’t so good .There are always dangers like disturbances in the family, problems in relationships with relatives, health problems( circulatory disorders) and being a despot character. If the Sun is in a bad aspect with  Mars it shows loose of valuable possessions. If it’s in a good aspect then, it shows increasing the wealth by the aid of working hard and efforts they made.

For this person it’s possible to have conflicts with parents and having hard times on old ages. Moving out to different places away from motherland and living there will bring better results.

MARS in the 5th House:

This means a chaotic life and  disorganized personality. This is a dangerous signal for the kids and they may have diseases connected with the character of the sign where Mars is placed. If there is a harmful aspect there might be problems about giving birth to children. If the hard aspect is with Neptune , miscarriage risks occur. If Mars s making a positive effect, the women will be scarifying in order to brought up her children. But she can have difficulties because the children are  tend to be independent and naughty.  But in the end this person will have  any possible chances to have success in the life.

This aspect of Mars gives excessive sexual drives to person. It’s possible to have argues because of sexual jealousness  and  having affairs while being still married.

If Mars is received hard effects it shows sadness because of children and loosing money by gambling.

MARS in the  6th  House:

This aspect of Mars is negative, too. It gives accident risks, health problems, being harmed y the trusted people , loosing money by theft or swindle, working in a job with incisive materials, criticizing character, loosing chances because of hastiness. It gives fever and frequent inflammations to body  especially if it’s in a harmful sign and on the contrary ;if it’s in a good aspect it gives a strong structure that is not affected by illness easily.

This aspect has positive effects on making money. In this aspect ; Mars gives a great energy for working and this person can not stand on lazy people.If Mars is exposed to hard effects , it points out illness results from working too hard.

MARS in the 7th House :

This aspect of Mars shows that, this person will make a favourite marriage and her/his spouse will have the characteristics of Mars and will be the director at home. If a harmful aspect is present , it will be getting harder to keep the marriage working and being together.If Mars in a good aspect and  has a fine angle with Mercury ; it shows that this person will manage to have important things, make important profits, beat the negative features of his/her character (like enviousness)If Mars  received hard effects, it brings situations like break ups in relationships, fights and  cases in the courts, sadness and disappointments in partnerships, giving harm to oneself and inability  of balancing the emotions and thoughts.  


MARS in the 8th House:

This location of  Mars means a difficult life. It brings hidden, spiritual, passionate, destructive,  burning emotions to person and causes sexual dissatisfaction, seeking for abnormal sexuality, trying all the abnormal solutions  for the sake of love and passion, getting everything they desired, problems in inheritance issues, losses,  dying in an unpleasant way in a fight or a battle or having very serious losses.

If Mars is exposed to hard effects; tendency to destroying things, adventures in marriage and  conflicts in inheritance and money issues are seen.


MARS in the 9th House:

If  Mars  is in a powerful situation it give luck, physical and morale supports and makes the person enterprising and energised.The person has tendency to studying on religion, philosophy, wisdoms, education and believes that her/his beliefs are all true and outstanding and never gets tired of fighting to prove this, can become a creator and leader in political issues and loves travelling.

If  Mars received hard effects; a neat character who tries to spread personal thoughts  in a fanatic way and if  Mars is in WATER class then  long travels can be objectionable  for this person.

The MARS in the 10th  House:

The Mars in the Zenith point has a strong effect  if it’s in a powerful situation. It  gives positive advances, fame, reputation and this person always covets the top of the tree, works ambitiously and bravely for this aim by  destroying all the obstacles with no mercy and having talents like thinking fast , having authority, leading people, behaving bravely  in order to achieve goals and passions in profession life.

If Mars is exposed to hard effects , it gives extreme devote to materials and trying illegal ways  in order to have authority.

MARS  in the 11th House:

This aspect is generally harmful. It shows different conflicts, physical damage, vexations sourced from friends and acquaintances. It denotes tensions and disagreements between parents and children. If the Saturn in the first house and in a harmful aspect, it means loosing children.

The powerful Mars  in the 11th house gives power to person and makes him/her a leader who is not loved but terrified. However , Venus, sun or Jupiter also have to have positive aspects in horoscope, for this. The person doesn’t obey the social rules and is very talented on intellectual issues.

Mars, is the planet of ambitions and provides  powerful inclinations to person. These  people have powerful aims but these are always causes for  unhappiness and pain for other people.

If  Mars is exposed to hard effects it  causes being hurt and treachery possibility comes from  friends.   

MARS in the 12th House:

This aspect generally gives credulity to the person. These people have troubles in their inwardness,  unable to express emotions or get hurt because of being misunderstood, they are  worried, try to gain self-esteem by working in unclarified works, being dependent to addictions that give comfort, unable to control themselves having unbalanced  love relationships, behaving in a hostile manner to defend themselves, hide personal information as secrets with the fear of being harmed and they try to assert themselves by behaving calmly and deeply.

This person can only beat the difficulties by the positive effects of the Sun, Venus and Jupiter but generally their life will be gloomy and aimless.

If Mars is exposed to hard effects, secret enemies and loss, injuries, risks of going to prison (if Mars has an unfavourable angle with  Uranus and Saturn) occurs.