Achillea millefolium

The non-ligneous parts or just flowers are gathered.  The plants picked up by hand and dried naturally or  artificially at  35ºC. Flowers are  picked just from the beginning of the stalk         ( about 1 cm long). Stored in a dry and dark places as a medicine. Includes etherised oil, alkaloids, stychydrin, tanning  material, bitter materials and some other materials. Used for digestive  problems, diarrhoea and also against painful period bleedings. 2 teaspoons of plant put in a bowl of water steeped. Shouldn’t be  used in high doses and long terms. Used in therapy of  pussy wounds, desquamations, eczemas  ; washing chapped hands and for gargling. The Australians names this plant as stomach ache herb. Because it heals diarrhoea and dysentery. The tea made up of white flowers heals stomach ache and colds. Also used as a medicine against  backaches and as a cosmetic product.

RECIPE: Daily usage of  aromatic tea essence on face (by washing) strengthens   and tightens the skin. In medical sciences; it’s known that it heals blood circulation, relaxes the cramps on vessels and encourages material- energy conversion.